ATC | Australian Telecommunications Commission |
ATC | Australian Telecommunications Corporation |
CEPT | European Conference of Postal and Telecomm. Administr. (skr.) |
CEPT | European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (skr.), Európska konferencia poštových a telekomunikačných administrácií (angl. skr.) |
DECT | Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (skr.) |
DECT | Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications, rozšírené digitálne bezšnúrové telekomunikácie (angl. skr.) |
ETC | Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation |
ETS | European Telecommunication Standard, európska telekomunikačná norma (angl.skr.) |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite (skr.) |
TFTS | Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System |